We do not all agree on the same things. Opinions differ. That’s ok. What’s important is that we talk about it and see the other point of view.
And if you are member of the Mr Köhler’s debating club year 9 you know the rules:
Support your arguments with facts. Present them in a regulated way. Stay polite. Listen to the other side. And if you listen carefully, hopefully you will consider the other one’s perspective and maybe reach a compromise.

Once again the end of year show debate of the debating club proved that. The students did not only follow all the rules but also entertained the audience with their lively debates on Monday night. One panel discussion and one role play, all presented in English and with the participation of the audience.

Thank you for an highly informative evening in which the audience could learn something and have fun at the same time!

report by Sabine Hauck