WE DID IT AGAIN! GyRa at JLGMUN24 in Berlin
Only days before the summer holidays started, the S2 of the Internationality Profile took on the challenge to take part in their fourth Model United Nations (MUN) of this school year. Gymnasium Rahlstedt was invited to send a delegation to the John-Lennon-Gymnasium (JLG) in Berlin for a simulation of the United Nations. From Wednesday 10th July until Friday 12th July students from GyRa represented different countries in the Security Council and the Legal Committee at JLGMUN24. In their role as delegate or ambassador they took part in intensive debates and passed resolutions on the consequences of colonialism for today’s world.
After weeks of hard work, doing research, writing papers and preparing our arguments we finally took the bus to Germany’s capital city on Tuesday 9th July. We made new friends, met up with old ones, practiced our debating and public speaking skills. We visited the Foreign Office and the Nordic Embassies and had an overall wonderful and enriching time as a group. As a cherry on the cake for the hard work everyone had done one of the GyRa participants in the Legal Committee won the prize for “best delegate”.
With four conferences in our portfolio the school year 2023/24 was a very successful year for Model United Nations at GyRa. We went to MUNoH23 in Hamburg (D), to MUNA24 in Zoetermeer (NL), we organized our own RAMUN24 and went to JLGMUN24 in Berlin (D). We hope next school year will be as successful as this one and we are already looking forward to, and actively planning for, MUNoH24 and for MUNNY in Nyborg (DK).
Report by Ammerentie Lutejn